
New Zealand Statistical Association (Inc.)
P O Box 1731, Wellington

Policies of the Executive Committee of the New Zealand Statistical Association
(Approved 1 September 2008)

1. Policies

These policies are determined under Clause 13 of the Constitution of the New Zealand Statistical Association.

2. Mission Statement

The mission of the NZSA is to lead New Zealand to value and make intelligent use of statistical thinking and good statistical practice.

3. Date of the Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall normally be held during the New Zealand Statistical Association Conference. If the New Zealand Statistical Association Conference is scheduled later than 6 months but within 9 months of the end of the financial year, the Annual General Meeting may be held at that Conference, provided notification is given at the previous Annual General Meeting, according to Clause 9 of the Constitution.

4. Dates for Taking up Office

The Executive Committee and elected officers shall take up their positions after the Annual General Meeting in each year. There is no constitutional office of Vice-President or Immediate Past President, but the former President would normally be an Executive Committee member the year after relinquishing office.

5. Subscription Rates

The subscription rate for Ordinary Members for any financial year shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting in the previous year, and is denoted in the table below by S. While this table gives the principle by which the corporate subscription rate is usually set, the AGM has the discretion to set a different corporate subscription rate. The subscription rates for various subclasses of membership, following Clause 3a of the Constitution, are given below.

$NZ NZ Overseas
Ordinary S S + 5
Student & Retired S / 2 S / 2 + 5
Ordinary (electronic journal) S – 5 S
Student & Retired (electronic journal) S / 2 -5 S / 2
Student (first year) 0
Corporate S * 2
SSAI Member: see Item 6

6. Reciprocity Agreements

A person who is not normally resident in New Zealand and who is a member of an Association with which the New Zealand Statistical Association maintains a reciprocity agreement shall, upon application to Executive Committee, be admitted as an ordinary member of the New Zealand Statistical Association at a reduced subscription, as calculated from year to year.
The New Zealand Statistical Association has a reciprocity agreement with the Statistical Society of Australia Inc.

7. Subscription Dates

The annual subscription shall be payable in advance and is due on 1 April in each year.

8. Membership Database

The administration of membership is conducted by the Membership Secretary.

9. Executive Committee

The following office holders of the Association, if they are not elected members of the Executive Committee, will be ex officio members of the Executive Committee under Clause 11 of the Constitution:

Awards Committee Chair;
Conference Local Organizing Committee Chair;
Education Committee Chair or representative;
Local Branch Chairs;
Membership Secretary;
Newsletter Editor;
Representative of the management committee of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics;
SAPQC Chair;
Science Fairs Co-ordinator;
Standards Committee Chair;
Young Statisticians’ Secretary.

10. Executive Committee Meetings

The business of the Executive Committee warrants 5 meetings within a year, and as a matter of practice when the NZSA Conference is held in July, these have been allocated early in September, November, February, April, and June, with details confirmed a week prior to the meeting.

11. Composition of Sub-Committees

The President should be on the Awards Committee.
The President and one other NZSA member should be on the non-editorial management committee of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics.

12. Delegated Authority under Clause 13

The Awards Committee has the authority to invite a suitable candidate to be an NZSA Visiting Lecturer, and should report on this to the next Executive Committee Meeting.

13. Travel on NZSA Business

When Executive Committee members are required to travel on NZSA business, where possible this should be conducted during a conference or any other circumstance that incurs no cost to the NZSA. The Executive Committee has a budget to potentially enable one representative per year to travel to Australia by modest means for the sole purpose of transacting NZSA business.

14. Geographical Distribution

The roles of President, Secretary and Treasurer are normally held within the same region within each term of office (as far as possible), and at least three of the four signatories are from this region. The positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer are rotated around regions from term to term, and they generally hold office for two or three years. As far as possible, each University and major employer shall be represented on the Executive Committee or portfolios of the Association.

15. Budget Items

Item Annual Frequency Cumulative
Budget ($) of use
Visiting Lecturer 1000 2 years yes
Early Career Researcher travel to NZSA Conference 5000 1 year no
Student travel to NZSA Conference 5000 1 year no
NZSA Conference float 3000 1 year n/a
Science Fairs (23 @ $60) 1380 1 year no
Exec travel on NZSA business 1000 1 year yes
RSNZ, ISI affiliation (approx) 1500 I year no
Campbell Fund grants 1500 1 year yes